Hello Friends

- Pick up the phone and talk to 5 current or past clients a day.
- Add to the bottom of your email signature “The greatest compliment you can give me is a referral to your family, friends and colleagues.”
- Record a new, upbeat and original message on your voicemail every day. Try a riddle, joke, tip, quote or short story.
- Check the local news or internet for a good news story and clip or print the story and send the person who the story is about a personal note saying “well done or congratulations” and include your business card.
- Video yourself with your best buying or selling tips and post them to YouTube, Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter.
- Video a past client testimonial sharing their experience doing business with you and post it to your website or social media.
- Wear your company name badge. Don’t be a secret agent.
- Join or start a networking group like Business Network International (BNI).
- Post some of your best marketing, buying or selling ideas in Real Estate on your own blog.
- Submit press releases each week to local media sources.
- Create joint ventures and partnerships with other businesses and services that fall in line with the real estate industry.
- Complete a detailed profile of yourself in Facebook, Linkedin and Twitter.
- Write a short 500 word article each month and email it to your database.
- Post classified ads on free online websites like Craigslist, Kijiji, Castanet, Oodle.
- Teach other business owners and service providers how to market with little or no money.
- Write and send a hand written note to 5 people every day.
- Email a newsletter, buying and selling tips, video clip, slide shows.
- Email every month your best bets for buying opportunities. All categories like first time buy, move up buy, foreclosure or rental.
- Tel 20 – walk around a new listing, recent sale or an upcoming open house and share with 20 neighbors about the property and add them to your database
- Visit face to face an expired listing owner with a sold topper in hand and say “We have just been notified your home is no longer on the market and I am sure the last person you want to see at your door is another real estate agent. I just have 2 quick questions and will be on my way. First why do you think one of these “sold” signs did not get on your property and second why did you want to sell in the first place?”
- Hold an open house on a listing any day that only takes a customer no more than 2 open house signs to get to from the main traffic.
all content source from :-http://agentsboost.com